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Information: Moving a Meter Point

SP Energy Networks own and maintain the mains electricity cable that feeds your property. The cable runs to a piece of equipment called a ‘cutout’ located at your meter position, which could be internal or in an external cabinet. The cutout acts as a mains fuse and this is the equipment that we move if you want to relocate all equipment at your meter position.

Please note: To move the cutout for a domestic or commercial premise it is likely that excavation work will be required externally to the property to safely expose the incoming cable and relocate it to your new location.

SP Energy Networks can only move your electricity meter when relocating your meter position if it’s a standard meter. If you have a ‘smart’ meter, you will need to contact your electricity supplier to move this for you at the same time we move your cutout.

If you only wish to move your meter up to 2 meters on the same wall your supplier will be able to do this without SP Energy Networks being involved.

We highly recommend consulting with your electrician before you begin any form of work.